A blogger on a discussion board called the Detroit Sports Forum, who claims to be a former Michigan Daily reporter has made some interesting claims regarding the Brendan Gibbons story. He is anonymous but goes by the screen name “hailhail” and I cannot vouch for his authenticity but readers can decide for themselves what weight to give his comments.
His comments began in July 2013, before my first post on this subject. I joined the online conversation after my post in August 2013.
07-22-2013, 04:55 PM
“Sorry to derail this thread, but Gibbons is a rapist and a complete ass-clown. He doesn't represent Michigan well in any facet of life.”
07-23-2013, 11:50 AM
“About four years ago (my sophomore year, his freshman) there was a rape allegation for some unnamed player. It was definitely him. We discussed it on the former board I believe, and I don't think I ever put my two cents in, though I do remember someone else leaking it to ya'll at the time. The kid was a total POS before that even happened, but that kinda solidified him as a scum bag hall of famer in my book.”
07-23-2013, 12:06 PM
“The woman involved didn't want to take it any further, I'd guess. He was kicked out of West Quad at the time, and I don't know how else he was disciplined (he was redshirting at the time of course). He admitted to it to three good friends of mine (guys I lived with for two years after that).”
07-23-2013, 02:11 PM
“My friends lived in the same hall as Gibbons in West Quad. I had regular interactions with the kid. Like you said, especially my first two years in the dorms I heard a number of weird, questionable things, none of which I'd repeat here without some external verification. I feel pretty confident in this one.”
07-23-2013, 02:23 PM
“Yeah, it's disillusioning to say the least. I don't know what justification the coaches, AD, administration could possibly have to allow him to remain on the team. I recognize there are facts out there that I'm not aware of, but I know enough to despise him and his person regardless.”
08-18-2013, 04:02 PM
“I worked at the Daily at the time (was still relatively new there though). There was nothing in there. Like I said, there are things that I know, things that I don't quite know but feel pretty strongly about, and things I can only really only speculate on.
Things I know for certain: His freshman year, Gibbons was moved out of West Quad after he allegedly raped a young woman. I don't remember exactly when this happened but I think it was sometime shortly after the season. He admitted to my friends (who knew him but no longer associate with him) that some impropriety occured (I can't tell you exactly what form this took). There were rumors going around online (including some on the old ESPN board) at the time that a player was going to be kicked off the team/suspended/be facing criminal charges (once again I don't remember the exact content of these rumors -- though I do explicitly remember an OSU fan on our board claiming to have some inside knowledge linking Gibbons to the exact rumors I had direct knowledge of).
Things I feel strongly about but don't know for certain: even if he didn't rape her, I feel pretty strongly that something inappropriate and probably criminal occured.
Things I don't know/can only speculate on: what his exact punishment was (besides being moved out of WQ, which definitely happened), and why the University, AD, coaches, didn't kick him off the team or if any further investigations were done.”
08-18-2013, 05:04 PM
“The Daily is composed of a bunch of kids that get together to "play newspaper" every night. From my experience there, especially those covering the big three major sports, the beat writers were just as concerned with developing personal relationships with athletes as they were with breaking any real news.
And in any case, what story are they actually going to run?”
08-21-2013, 05:57 PM
“When I originally posted I was almost under the impression that everyone here (or at least those that have been around for some time), would know what I was referencing. The responses reminded me that, oh yeah, this wasn't a huge story back then. It's just something my friends and I still talk about occasionally still (ie every time we watch Michigan football together and Gibbons kicks).
A lot of what Douglas has been posting is news to me, and it's pretty disheartening to hear his interpretation of events.”
08-21-2013, 06:38 PM
“The only other "direct knowledge" I have is that the University moved him out of West Quad almost immediately -- fun fact: he was roommates with that big-time corner recruit Justin Turner (I think that was his name) until he transferred -- and what my friends said he "admitted" to them regarding the accusations.
I summarized pretty much everything I know about this in the other thread.”
08-21-2013, 06:48 PM
“I guess I should clarify: according to them (and I'll reiterate, these are three of my best friends, guys I've known for years, who I went on to live with for my junior and senior years -- so people I trust quite a bit), Gibbons admitted some wrongdoing.”
08-21-2013, 07:04 PM
“You're right, I fully understand his admission could have involved a wide-range of things short of "I raped her." He's not THAT dumb to ever admit that, I'd hope (though the kid is an unbelievable moron independent of all this). Whatever he said, the takeaway for my friends was/is "he raped her."
01-28-2014, 05:35 PM
“Let me take this opportunity to say, once again, fuck this chump. It took way too many years, but it's good to know my university *might* still stand for something bigger.”
01-28-2014, 06:15 PM
“Absolutely. But in the end, people at the university could've privately acknowledged the mistake and let it die. The issue never gained much traction publicly, and the vast majority aren't even aware of it/don't believe the accusations. It took too long, but glad it was handled in the end.
Hopefully for his sake, gibbons matured a lot over the years. But honestly, from the first moment I met him (months before the incident in question occurred), I knew he was scum.”
His comments began in July 2013, before my first post on this subject. I joined the online conversation after my post in August 2013.
07-22-2013, 04:55 PM
“Sorry to derail this thread, but Gibbons is a rapist and a complete ass-clown. He doesn't represent Michigan well in any facet of life.”
07-23-2013, 11:50 AM
“About four years ago (my sophomore year, his freshman) there was a rape allegation for some unnamed player. It was definitely him. We discussed it on the former board I believe, and I don't think I ever put my two cents in, though I do remember someone else leaking it to ya'll at the time. The kid was a total POS before that even happened, but that kinda solidified him as a scum bag hall of famer in my book.”
07-23-2013, 12:06 PM
“The woman involved didn't want to take it any further, I'd guess. He was kicked out of West Quad at the time, and I don't know how else he was disciplined (he was redshirting at the time of course). He admitted to it to three good friends of mine (guys I lived with for two years after that).”
07-23-2013, 02:11 PM
“My friends lived in the same hall as Gibbons in West Quad. I had regular interactions with the kid. Like you said, especially my first two years in the dorms I heard a number of weird, questionable things, none of which I'd repeat here without some external verification. I feel pretty confident in this one.”
07-23-2013, 02:23 PM
“Yeah, it's disillusioning to say the least. I don't know what justification the coaches, AD, administration could possibly have to allow him to remain on the team. I recognize there are facts out there that I'm not aware of, but I know enough to despise him and his person regardless.”
08-18-2013, 04:02 PM
“I worked at the Daily at the time (was still relatively new there though). There was nothing in there. Like I said, there are things that I know, things that I don't quite know but feel pretty strongly about, and things I can only really only speculate on.
Things I know for certain: His freshman year, Gibbons was moved out of West Quad after he allegedly raped a young woman. I don't remember exactly when this happened but I think it was sometime shortly after the season. He admitted to my friends (who knew him but no longer associate with him) that some impropriety occured (I can't tell you exactly what form this took). There were rumors going around online (including some on the old ESPN board) at the time that a player was going to be kicked off the team/suspended/be facing criminal charges (once again I don't remember the exact content of these rumors -- though I do explicitly remember an OSU fan on our board claiming to have some inside knowledge linking Gibbons to the exact rumors I had direct knowledge of).
Things I feel strongly about but don't know for certain: even if he didn't rape her, I feel pretty strongly that something inappropriate and probably criminal occured.
Things I don't know/can only speculate on: what his exact punishment was (besides being moved out of WQ, which definitely happened), and why the University, AD, coaches, didn't kick him off the team or if any further investigations were done.”
08-18-2013, 05:04 PM
“The Daily is composed of a bunch of kids that get together to "play newspaper" every night. From my experience there, especially those covering the big three major sports, the beat writers were just as concerned with developing personal relationships with athletes as they were with breaking any real news.
And in any case, what story are they actually going to run?”
08-21-2013, 05:57 PM
“When I originally posted I was almost under the impression that everyone here (or at least those that have been around for some time), would know what I was referencing. The responses reminded me that, oh yeah, this wasn't a huge story back then. It's just something my friends and I still talk about occasionally still (ie every time we watch Michigan football together and Gibbons kicks).
A lot of what Douglas has been posting is news to me, and it's pretty disheartening to hear his interpretation of events.”
08-21-2013, 06:38 PM
“The only other "direct knowledge" I have is that the University moved him out of West Quad almost immediately -- fun fact: he was roommates with that big-time corner recruit Justin Turner (I think that was his name) until he transferred -- and what my friends said he "admitted" to them regarding the accusations.
I summarized pretty much everything I know about this in the other thread.”
08-21-2013, 06:48 PM
“I guess I should clarify: according to them (and I'll reiterate, these are three of my best friends, guys I've known for years, who I went on to live with for my junior and senior years -- so people I trust quite a bit), Gibbons admitted some wrongdoing.”
08-21-2013, 07:04 PM
“You're right, I fully understand his admission could have involved a wide-range of things short of "I raped her." He's not THAT dumb to ever admit that, I'd hope (though the kid is an unbelievable moron independent of all this). Whatever he said, the takeaway for my friends was/is "he raped her."
01-28-2014, 05:35 PM
“Let me take this opportunity to say, once again, fuck this chump. It took way too many years, but it's good to know my university *might* still stand for something bigger.”
01-28-2014, 06:15 PM
“Absolutely. But in the end, people at the university could've privately acknowledged the mistake and let it die. The issue never gained much traction publicly, and the vast majority aren't even aware of it/don't believe the accusations. It took too long, but glad it was handled in the end.
Hopefully for his sake, gibbons matured a lot over the years. But honestly, from the first moment I met him (months before the incident in question occurred), I knew he was scum.”